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【学术通知】西安交通大学会计与财务系博士生常钰苑:Government Initiated Corporate Social Responsibility Activities: Evidence from a Poverty Alleviation Campaign in China

  • 发布日期:2021-06-23
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: Government Initiated Corporate Social Responsibility Activities: Evidence from a Poverty Alleviation Campaign in China


主  讲  人: 常钰苑,西安交通大学会计与财务系博士生

主  持  人: 薛明皋,管理学院财务金融系主任、教授

活动时间: 2021年6月28日(周一) 10:00-11:30

活动地点: 管理学院大楼119室


常钰苑,西安交通大学会计与财务系博士生,2017年9月-2019年12月在香港理工大学参加联合培养博士项目。主要研究领域为企业社会责任、企业融资决策和信息披露。目前已在《Journal of Business Ethics》(FT50期刊)、《Journal of Corporate Finance》(A类期刊)、《管理评论》等国内外知名学术期刊上发表论文数篇。


In 2013the Chinese government initiated a nationwide campaign aiming to eliminate poverty in China by 2020. Over 20% of listed firms in China have made significant contributions to the campaign. Using hand-collected data on listed firms’ contributions to the campaign and multivariate analyses, we examine whether managers’ and politicians’ personal incentives play an important role in firms’ contributions to the campaign. The results show that firms are more likely to contribute if they are state-owned and managers are appointed by governments, if managers have a higher risk of being targeted in a concurrent anti-corruption campaign, if the political leaders in their province are new or intend to seek promotion, and if managers or directors have experienced poverty in their early life. The results suggest that it is important to consider managers’ and politicians’ personal incentives in CSR activities that could have a grand social impact.



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