演讲主题:On Leadership and Creativity
主 讲 人:龚亚平,香港科技大学管理系讲座教授与系主任
主 持 人:刘智强,管理学院工商管理系教授
龚亚平现任香港科技大学管理系讲座教授与系主任。 研究目标导向理论,创造力与创新,战略人力资源管理 ,团队管理 等,并在国际学术期刊及会议上发表论文近100篇。 一篇论文荣获2018 Responsible Research in Management Award Finalist; 一篇荣获2017 Journal of Management Scholarly Impact Award Finalist, 两篇分别在2013,2016年荣获Emerald 「最佳引用」奖; 一篇荣获2013 All-academy Carolyn Dexter Award Finalist;两篇在2007年荣获美国管理学会人力资源分会「国际人力资源管理优秀论文」;两篇收录在美国管理协会年会「最佳论文集」。 现任《Academy of Management Perspectives》副主编; Academy of Management Journal 与Journal of Management的评审委员会委员。 曾任《组织管理研究》,《亚太管理期刊》,《组织行为学》,《职业与组织心理学》等国际学术期刊高级主编或评审委员会委员。
I will briefly review research on leadership and creativity. The conclusion is that creativity research has so far focused on a single leadership variable particularly bright leadership. This leaves a major theoretical void in understanding how different types, especially dark and bright types of leadership work together. I will then introduce a recent project in which my collaborators and I conducted three studies to examine: (a) a dark side of leadership (i.e., narcissistic leadership) and how it influences team creativity and whether the relationships at different levels are similar or different; (b) the joint effect of two contradictory types of leadership (i.e., narcissistic and humble leadership) on team creativity. I will discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the study.