代表性成果(*corresponding author)
1. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. What’s in it for me? CEO career disruption concern and corporate philanthropy. Journal of Business Research, 2025, 186: 115031. (SSCI)
2. Yongqiang Gao, Yumeng Nie, & Miaohan Zhang. Norm spillover? How environmental regulation in downstream industries affects upstream corporate environmental disclosure. Applied Economics, online first, (SSCI)
3. Mohamed G. Abdelkader, Yongqiang Gao*, & Ahmed A. Elamer. Board gender diversity and ESG performance: The mediating role of temporal orientation in South Africa context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 440:140728 (1-15). (SSCI, ESI高被引)
4. Yongqiang Gao, Yumeng Nie, & Taieb Hafsi. Not all stakeholders are equal: Corporate social responsibility variability and corporate financial performance. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2023, 32(4): 1389-1410. (SSCI)
5. Yongqiang Gao, Miaohan Zhang, & Haibin Yang. Looking good in the eyes of stakeholders: Corporate giving and corporate acquisition. Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 185(2): 375-396. (SSCI, FT50)
6. Zohaib Hussain Makhdoom, Yongqiang Gao, Xi Song, Wali Muhammad Khoso, & Zulfqar Ali Baloch. Linking environmental corporate social responsibility to firm performance: The role of partnership restructure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(16): 48323-338. (SCI)
7. Yu Chen, Xin Gu, Yongqiang Gao, & Tian Lan. Sustainability with high-speed rails: The effects of transportation infrastructure development on firms' CSR performance. Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 2021, 17(2): 1-16. (SSCI)
8. Yongqiang Gao, Haibin Yang, & Miaohan Zhang. Too bad to fear, too good to dare? Performance feedback and corporate misconduct. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 131: 1-11. (SSCI)
9. Yongqiang Gao, & Haibin Yang. Does ownership matter? Firm ownership and corporate illegality in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, 168: 431-445. (SSCI, FT50)
10. Yongqiang Gao, Yingli Wang, & Miaohan Zhang. Who really cares about the environment? CEOs’ military service experience and firms’ investment in environmental protection. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2021, 30(1): 4-18. (SSCI, Wiley高被引)
11. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. Does charitable giving substitute or complement firm differentiation strategy? Evidence from Chinese private SMEs. European Management Review, 2019, 16(3): 633-646. (SSCI)
12. Yongqiang Gao, Haibin Yang, & Taïeb Hafsi. Corporate giving and corporate financial performance: The S-curve relationship. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019, 36(3): 687-713. (SSCI)
13. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. How owners matter? An examination of ownership type in corporate disaster relief giving. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2019, 36(1): 70-83. (SSCI)
14. Xue Yang, Yuandi Wang, Die Hu, & Yongqiang Gao. How industry peers improve your sustainable development? The role of listed firms in environmental strategies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2018, 27(8): 1313-1333. (SSCI)
15. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. Political dependence, social scrutiny, and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from disaster relief. Business Ethics: A European Review, 2017, 26(2): 189-203. (SSCI)
16. Yongqiang Gao, Jian Wu, & Taieb Hafsi. The inverted U-shaped relationship between corporate philanthropy and spending on research and development: A case of complementarity and competition moderated by firm size and visibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2017, 24(6): 465-477. (SSCI)
17. Yongqiang Gao, Ya Lisa Lin, & Haibin Yang. What’s the value in it? Corporate giving under uncertainty. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2017, 34(1): 215-240. (SSCI)
18. Yongqiang Gao, Taieb Hafsi, & Xiaobin He. Business owners’ achieved social status and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from Chinese private small- and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Management & Organization, 2017, 23(2): 277-296. (SSCI)
19. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. Government intervention, peers' giving and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from Chinese private SMEs. Journal of Business Ethics, 2015,132(2): 433-447. (SSCI, FT50)
20. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. Competition in corporate philanthropic disaster giving: Balancing between giving timing and amount. Chinese Management Studies, 2015, 9(3):311-332. (SSCI)
21. Yongqiang Gao. Philanthropic disaster relief giving as a response to institutional pressure: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Research, 2011, 64(12):1377-1382 (SSCI)
22. Yongqiang Gao. CSR in an emerging country: A content analysis of CSR reports of listed companies. Baltic Journal of Management, 2011(6): 263-291 (SSCI)
23. Yongqiang Gao. Government intervention, perceived benefit, and bribery of firms in transitional China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2011(104): 175-184 (SSCI, FT50)
24. Yongqiang Gao. Isomorphic effect and organizational bribery in transitional China. Asian Business & Management, 2011, 10(2):233-257 (SSCI)
25. Yongqiang Gao. Mimetic isomorphism, market competition, perceived benefit and bribery of firms in transitional China. Australian Journal of Management, 2010, 35(2):203-222 (SSCI)
26. Yongqiang Gao. Corporate social performance in China: Evidence from large companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 2009(9):23-35 (SSCI, FT50)
1. Islam Ali Elhadidy, Yongqiang Gao*,Osama Mahmoud Elnokrashy. Humble leadership: elevating service recovery in hospitality. Management Decision, forthcoming, (SSCI)
2. Islam Ali Elhadidy, & Yongqiang Gao*. How does humble leadership stimulate employees' service improvisation in hospitality? A social information processing perspective. Kybernetes, online first (SCI)
3. Israr Ahmad, Yongqiang Gao*, & Fangguo Su, Muhammad Kamran Khan. Linking ethical leadership to followers' innovative work behavior in Pakistan: the vital roles of psychological safety and proactive personality. European Journal of Innovation Management, 2023, 26(3):755-772.(SSCI)
4. Israr Ahmad, & Yongqiang Gao*. Ethical leadership and work engagement: The roles of psychological empowerment and power distance orientation. Management Decision, 2018, 56(9): 1991-2005. (SSCI)
5. Yongqiang Gao, Dan Zhang, & Yuanyuan Huo. Corporate social responsibility and work engagement: Testing a moderated mediation model. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2018, 33: 661-678. (SSCI)
6. Yongqiang Gao, & Wei He. Corporate social responsibility and employee organizational citizenship behavior: The pivotal role of ethical leadership and organizational justice. Management Decision, 2017, 55(2): 294-309. (SSCI)
7. Yongqiang Gao, & Haibin Yang. Do employees support corporate philanthropy? Evidence from Chinese listed companies. Management and Organization Review, 2016, 12(4): 747-768. (SSCI)
8. Yongqiang Gao, & Yaohan Cai. In help-seekers' shoes: First-person pronouns entitled charitable fundraising campaigns and individual donating behavior in China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 79: 103860, (SSCI)
9. Shanta Banik, & Yongqiang Gao*. Exploring the hedonic factors affecting customer experiences in phygital retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2023, 70: 103147(1-10). (SSCI, ESI高被引)
10. Shanta Banik, Yongqiang Gao, & Fazlul K. Rabbanee. Status demotion in hierarchical loyalty programs and customers’ revenge and avoidance intentions. European Journal of Marketing, 2022, 56(1): 1-30. (SSCI)
11. Shanta Banik, & Yongqiang Gao. Status demotion in loyalty programmes: The role of perceived unfairness. Service Industries Journal, 2020, 40(3-4): 315-336. (SSCI)
12. Shanta Banik, Yongqiang Gao*, & Fazlul K. Rabbanee. Status demotion in hierarchical loyalty programs and its effects on switching: Identifying mediators and moderators in the Chinese context. Journal of Business Research, 2019, 96:125-134. (SSCI)
13. Moazzam Abbas, Yongqiang Gao, & Sayyed Sadaqat Hussain Shah. CSR and customer outcomes: The mediating role of customer engagement. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11: 4243. (SSCI)
14. Yongqiang Gao. Corporate social responsibility and consumers’ response: The missing linkage. Baltic Journal of Management, 2009(3): 269-287 (SSCI)
1. Yongqiang Gao, Yingli Wang, & Taieb Hafsi. Stock market reaction to affiliated sports teams’ performance: Evidence from China. Chinese Management Studies, 2023, 17(4): 787-807. (SSCI)
2. Idrees Liaqat, Yongqiang Gao*, Faheem Ur Rehman, Zoltán Lakner, & Judit Oláh. National culture and financial Inclusion: Evidence from Belt and Road economies. Sustainability, 2022, 14(6), 3405: 1-22. (SSCI)
3. Yongqiang Gao, & Taieb Hafsi. R&D Spending among Chinese SMEs: The Role of Business Owners’ Characteristics. Management Decision, 2015, 53(8):1714-1735. (SSCI)
1. 高勇强、蔡瑶涵、张雯. 无“情”却有“益”:偏中性主题图片在慈善众筹中的作用研究. 南开管理评论,在线发表
2. 高勇强、聂雨朦、何晓斌. 企业家出身背景与创新投入的关系研究. 科研管理,2023, 44(3):158-166.
3. 高勇强、王莹丽. 企业不端行为的研究进展与未来展望. 管理学报,2021(10):1573-1580.
4. 何晓斌、朱丹阳、高勇强. 分享型领导的两个维度与企业创新绩效. 科学学研究,2020,38(4): 747-758.
5. 高勇强、冯原霞、张丹. 人们为什么给慈善事业捐款?基于西方主流营销学术期刊文献的研究发现. 预测,2017,36(4):75-80.
6. 伍健、高勇强、辛明磊. 政府如何影响民营企业慈善捐赠?——对多重政府角色的实证考察. 预测,2016,35(4): 35-41
7. 辛明磊、高勇强. 政治关系、市场化程度与公司债融资-来自我国上市公司的经验证据. 经济管理,2014(7): 100-110.
8. 高勇强、陈亚静、张云均. “红领巾”还是“绿领巾”:民营企业慈善捐赠动机研究. 管理世界,2012(8): 106-114.
9. 高勇强、何晓斌、李路路. 民营企业家社会身份、经济条件与企业慈善捐赠. 经济研究,2011(12): 111-123
10. 高勇强、陈磊. 西方企业政治行为伦理研究现状与启示. 管理现代化,2008(3): 61-64.
11. 高勇强. 政治企业家的制度创新模式--对浙江吉利、中国电信与海南凯立的案例研究. 公共管理学报,2007(1): 62-69.
12. 高勇强. 企业非市场行为与规范化研究. 中大管理研究(今《管理学季刊》),2007(2): 135-146.
13. 高勇强. 企业跨国投资的非市场风险及管理研究. 国际经济合作,2007(10): 28-31.
14. 高勇强. 中国企业影响政府政策制定的途径分析. 管理科学,2005(4): 26-31.
15. 高勇强、田志龙. 企业政治行为的规范性问题研究. 管理评论,2004(9): 46-50.
16. 高勇强、田志龙. 西方公司政治战略与战术述评. 新华文摘 (原文发表于外国经济与管理),2004(4): 10-12.
17. 高勇强、田志龙. 政治环境、战略利益与公司政治行为. 管理科学,2004(1): 2-6.
18. 田志龙、高勇强、卫武. 中国企业政治策略与行为研究. 管理世界,2003(12): 98-106.
19. 高勇强、贺远琼. 中国内部国债发行规模的影响因素实证分析. 管理科学,2003(5): 43-47.
20. 高勇强、田志龙、贺远琼. 基于资源配置方式的政企关系分析. 管理科学,2003(1): 2-6.
21. 高勇强、田志龙. 母公司对子公司的管理和控制模式研究. 南开管理评论,2002(4): 28-31.
22. 高勇强. 人事考核的多层析模糊综合评判法. 中国管理科学,2000(2): 44-49.
23. 高勇强、唐昭明. 论企业人力资本投资的风险与管理. 科技进步与对策, 2000(7): 96-97.
24. 高勇强. 当代管理的国际化趋势. 经济管理,1999(9): 57-58.
1. 高勇强(编著).《企业伦理与社会责任》,清华大学出版社,2021
2. 高勇强(编著).《跨国公司管理》,清华大学出版社、北京交通大学出版社,2014
3. 高勇强(著).《中国转型社会的政商关系研究》,光明日报出版社,2007
4. 田志龙、高勇强、贺远琼(著).《拓展企业生存空间:企业政治策略与行为的理论研究》,2007
1. 湖北省第九届社科优秀成果奖二等奖(2015年,排名第一)
2. 武汉市第十一次社科优秀成果奖一等奖(2009年,排名第二)
3. 武汉市第十三届社科优秀成果奖二等奖(2014年,排名第一)
4. 武汉市第15次社科优秀成果奖三等奖(2017年,排名第一)
5. Emerald Literati Network: Highly Commended Award, 2012
6. “商业与经济领域”全球(2%)顶尖科学家(2024年度)
Management International学术编委