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【学术通知】加拿大布洛克大学教授V.Kumar:Conducting Scholarly Research with Rigor & Relevance

  • 发布日期:2024-10-17
  • 点击数:



演讲主题:Conducting Scholarly Research with Rigor & Relevance

主讲人:V.Kumar 加拿大布洛克大学教授

主持人: 周元元 市场营销系副教授




V.Kumar目前是加拿大布洛克大学(Brock U.)古德曼商学院市场营销学教授和古德曼研学合作教授,美国营销科学学会学术委员会副主席、会士,国家级人才计划入选者。Journal of Marketing(2014-2018)前任主编和12种国际权威商业期刊的现任主编、副主编。

他是唯一获得美国营销学科全部八项终身成就奖的学者。他出版了30本专著,发表了350多篇论文,其中UTD、FT期刊论文超过60篇。2007-2016年间他是在UTD24上发表论文排名世界第一的营销学者(AMA Sig,2016)。


This workshop will focus on the process of generating ideas that has the potential to result in a scholarly publication due to being both rigorous and relevant. Specifically, the topics covered include the following: (1) Where to get the Ideas; (2) How to achieve both Rigor and Relevance; (3), How to get Firms’cooperation, if needed; (4) Identifying and Solving Key Business Challenges; (5) Speaking in Managers’Tongue; and (6) Understanding the process of the publications journey. Under each topic, several of our research studies will be discussed some of which are recently published, and some are forthcoming. Students are welcome to present proposals for comments and suggestions.


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