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MBA and EMBA Degree Granting of 2015 Session Was Held by School of Management

In 16th, May 2015, MBA and EMBA degree granting of the School was held in 206 lecture hall. Principal assistant of HUST Xu Xiaodong, vice dean of School of Graduates Feng Zheng, head of School of Management Wang Zongjun, secretary of Party General Branch Jin Lingzhi, who was also the presenter, vice dean Lu Yaobin and Yangzhi, professor Zhang Zigang of Department of Management Science and Information Management, professors Li Changjiang and Tian Zhilong of Department of Business Administration, professor Liu Zhixue of Production Operations and Logistics Management attended the ceremony.
First, Xu Xiaodong gave a speech and he denoted that the father of WeChat Zhang Xiaolong, the founder of PPTV Yao Xin and vice general manager of Alibaba Group Xu Zipei set an example for all alumina. Then Head of School of Management Wang Zongjun delivered a speech. He briefly introduced the faculty and MBA and EMBA education in School of Management. Meanwhile, Wang put forward three demands. Weng Zhonghua, MBA student representative of 2011 session, spoke their harvest and best wishes for HUST and all faculty members as well as their families.
Finally, Feng read the decision of degree granting and 75 students were awarded with EMBA degree while 47 students were awarded with MBA degree.
Release Date: 2015-05-18

Release date:2015-05-18
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