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Exchange Rate Misalignment–The Case of the Chinese Renminbi

  Theme:“Exchange Rate Misalignment–The Case of the Chinese Renminbi”

  Lecturer:Yin-Wong CHEUNG

  Head, Chair Professor of International Economics, City University of Hong Kong

  Professor Emeritus, University of California, Santa Cruz

  Director, Research Center for International Economics

  Research Fellow, CESifo; MIFN; SCCIE

  Host: Wenjie Zhan (Profession of the School of Management, HUST)

  Time: AM10:00—11:00 on Nov.8, 2012 (Thursday)

  Place:Room130 in the School of Management

  Brief Introduction to the Lecturer:Prof. Cheung obtained his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1990. His research Areas include Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Exchange Rate Dynamics, Financial Price Behavior, Output Fluctuation, and Issues in Asian Economies. He ranks 61 in Thomson ISI 100 Most-cited Researchers in Economics(1992-2002).

Release date:2012-11-05
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