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2009年9月–2013年2月, 法国昂热大学信息学院, 博 士

2007年9月 - 2009年6月, 华中科技大学计算机学院, 工学硕士

2003年9月 - 2007年6月, 华中科技大学机械学院, 工学学士







优化算法设计: 数学规划方法理论与应用,启发式优化算法设计,精确性算法设计


1 复杂系统建模与优化方法,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金

2 大型光伏电站设计中的分区优化、设施选址和布线优化问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目

3 考虑劳动力管理下的车辆路径问题研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目

4 基于xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx资源适配算法,(国防项目)

5 电碳市场环境下电网分区分片优化方法研究,(国家电网湖北电力公司)

6 配方模块功能定位及质量标准数字化表征研究,(湖北中烟工业公司)

7 NRE目标检测分割模型开发,(华为技术有限公司)

8 新高考走班排课系统开发,(天喻教育科技有限公司)


[1] Qinghua Wu, Yang Wang, Fred Glover, Advanced tabu search algorithms for bipartite boolean quadratic programs guided by strategic oscillation and path relinking, INFORMS Journal on Computing,32(1):74-89, 2020. (UTD24)

[2] Luo Zhixing, Qin Hu, T.C.E. Cheng, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Andrew Lim. A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Cable Routing Problem in Solar Power Plants, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33 (2):452-476 2021. (UTD24)

[3] Yangming Zhou, Chenhui Qu, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Yawen Kou, Zhibin Jiang, MengChu Zhou*, A bilevel hybrid iterated search approach to soft-clustered capacitated arc routing problems, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,184: 102944, 2024.

[4] Qinghua Wu, Mu He, Jin-Kao Hao, Yongliang Lu, An effective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the clustered orienteering problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 313(2), 418-434, 2024.

[5] Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A flow based formulation and a reinforcement learning based strategic oscillation for cross-dock door assignment. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(2): 473-492, 2024.

[6] Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者). Learning-driven feasible and infeasible Tabu Search for airport gate assignment. European Journal of Operational Research 302(1): 172-186, 2022

[7] Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者). An opposition-based memetic algorithm for the maximum quasi-clique problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 286(1):63-83,2020.

[8] Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A hybrid evolutionary search for the generalized quadratic multiple knapsack problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 296(3): 788-803, 2022.

[9] Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. A review of algorithms for maximum clique problems. European Journal of Operational Research 242(3): 693-709, 2015

[10] Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao, A Hybrid Metaheuristic Method for the Maximum Diversity Problem. European Journal of Operational Research 231(2):452—464,2013.

[11] Yang Wang, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Fred Glover, Effective metaheuristic algorithms for the minimum differential dispersion problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 258(3):829-843,2017.

[12] Qing Zhou, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Jin-Kao Hao. Heuristic search to the capacitated clustering problem. European Journal of Operational Research 273(2): 464-487, 2019.

[13] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A memetic algorithm for the orienteering problem with mandatory visits and exclusionary constraints, European Journal of Operational Research,268:54-69

[14] Mu He, Qinghua Wu, Una Benlic, Yongliang Lu, Yuning Chen, An effective multi-level memetic search with neighborhood reduction for the clustered team orienteering problem, forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research, 2024.

[15] Zhongrui Wang, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Carbon emission reduction and product collection decisions in the closed-loop supply chain with cap-and-trade regulation, International Journal of Production Research, 59 (14):4359-4383,2021.

[16] Qinghua Wu, Zhe Sun, Una Benlic, Yongliang Lu, A parallel adaptive memory algorithm for the capacitated modular hub location problem, Computers & Operations Research,153: 106173, May 2023.

[17] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem, Computers & Operations Research, 144, 105799, August 2022.

[18] Mingming Zheng, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Exact and heuristic solution approaches for the generalized independent set problem. Computers & Operations Research 164: 106561, April 2024

[19] Zhe Sun, Una Benlic, Mingjie Li, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Reinforcement learning based tabu search for the minimum load coloring problem, Computers & Operations Research, 143, 105745, July 2022

[20] Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A reinforcement learning guided hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the latency location routing problem, forthcoming in Computers & Operations Research, 2024.

[21] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A population algorithm based on randomized tabu thresholding for the multi-commodity pickup-and-delivery traveling salesman problem, Computers & Operations Research, 101: 285-297,2019.

[22] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A hybrid dynamic programming and memetic algorithm to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Hotel Selection, Computers & Operations Research, 90:193-207,2018.

[23] Mingjie Li, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), General swap-based multiple, neighborhood adaptive search for the maximum balanced biclique problem, Computers & Operations Research, 119: 104922, July 2020.

[24] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Multi-restart iterative search for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with FIFO loading, Computers & Operations Research,97:18-30,2018.

[25] Jin Qin, Xianhao Xu, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), T.C.E. Cheng, Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for the quadratic multiple, Computers & Operations Research, 66:199–214, 2016.

[26] Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. Coloring large graphs based on independent set extraction. Computers & Operations Research 39(2): 283–290, 2012.

[27] Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. An effective heuristic algorithm for sum coloring of graphs. Computers & Operations Research 39(7): 1593–1600, 2012.

[28] Qinghua Wu, and Jin-Kao Hao. Memetic search for the max-bisection problem. Computers & Operations Research 40(1): 166–179, 2013.

[29] Huaxiao Shen, Shengnan Shu, Hu Qin, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), An Exact Algorithm for the Multi-Period Inspector Scheduling Problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 145: 106515, 2020.

[30] Zhongrui Wang and Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), Production and joint emission reduction decisions based on two-way cost-sharing contract under cap-and-trade regulation, Computers & Industrial Engineering,146:106549 August 2020.

[31] Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover. Multi-neighborhood tabu search for the maximum weight clique problem. Annals of Operations Research 196(1): 611-634, 2012.

[32] Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Qinghua Wu. An effective hybrid search method for the quadratic knapsack problem with conflict graphs. Journal of the Operational Research Society, May 2023.

[33] Pengfei He, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. Hybrid genetic algorithm for undirected traveling salesman problems with profits. Networks, 82(3): 189-221, 2023

[34] Yongliang Lu, Una Benlic, Qinghua Wu*(通讯作者), A highly effective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the covering salesman problem, Information Sciences, 564: 144-162, 2021.

[35] Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao. An adaptive multistart tabu search approach to solve the maximum clique problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 26(1): 86-108, 2013.

[36] Qinghua Wu, Jin-Kao Hao. An extraction and expansion approach for graph coloring. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 30(5): 1350018, 2013.

[37] Yuji Zou, Jin-Kao Hao, Qinghua Wu. A two-individual evolutionary algorithm for cumulative capacitated vehicle routing with single and multiple depots. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Jan. 2024.

[38] Yuning Chen, Junhua Xue, Yangming Zhou, Qinghua Wu, An Efficient Threshold Acceptance-Based Multi-Layer Search Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Jan. 2024.

[39] Qing Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Qinghua Wu, Adaptve feasible and infeasible evolutonany search for the knapsack problem with foreits, forthcoming in International Transactions in Operational Research, 2024.