演讲主题:Promoting Drip Irrigation Systems among Small Farmers in Developing Countries
主讲人:陈继光 厦门大学副教授
主持人:关旭 供应链管理与系统工程系主任
陈继光,厦门大学副教授、博士生导师;受国家自然科学基金、阿里巴巴研究院等资助从事管理科学与运营创新等研究,相关成果发表于《Manufacturing & Service Operations Management》、《Production and Operations Management》等期刊和Academy of Management 会议。现为厦门大学光泽县挂钩帮扶科技特派员,并担任学术期刊《Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering》guest editor、中国自动化学会经济与管理系统专业委员会委员、中国系统工程学会智能制造系统工程专业委员会委员。
Previously, firms adopt a product-based model by selling drip irrigation systems to farmers and letting farmers operate them. However, farmers do not have the knowledge to efficiently operate drip irrigation systems. Recently, firms have started to provide solutions for farmers by letting the firm's professional technicians operate drip irrigation systems.We study the firm's optimal contract menu with and without using the service-based model.We develop a game-theoretic model consisting of one manufacturing firm and farmers in the presence of the firm's asymmetric information on the farmers' knowledge level of operating drip systems. Analytical results show that the addition of the service-based option to the firm's contract menu (instead of the pure product-based model) promotes the adoption of drip irrigation systems. However, when the firm's operating cost is neither low nor high, such an addition can backfire by decreasing the profit of farmers with high skill levels. Moreover, when both the farmers' fertilizer efficiency and the profit-maximizing firm's water efficiency are low, compared with the pure product-based model, this firm's optimal contract can decrease the total agricultural product supply and total water usage, while increase the total fertilizer usage.