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Business Administration

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  • Liu Zhiqiang

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Business Administration
  • Research Interests

    Status competition in organizations, Sharing leadership, Co-opetition and breakthrough innovation
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Ph.D. School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2006

M..E. School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2003

B.E. School of Economics, Lanzhou University,1995

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland at College Park, USA, 2012-Dec.-2013-Dec.

Post-doctoral research, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2010-Feb.-2011-Feb.

Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Business Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2008-Dec.-2009- Feb.

Research Interests

Status competition in organizations, Sharing leadership, Co-opetition and breakthrough innovation

Research Projects

[1]National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key program, “Research on the influence of organizational co-opetition on breakthrough innovation based on the perspective of boundary spanning” (Grant No. 71832004), 2019-2023. RMB 2,400,000.

[2]National Natural Science Foundation of China, general program, “The influence of status distance between two core members on team outcomes: Perspective of third party dependence” (Grant No. 71672070), 2017-2020. RMB 480,000.

[3]National Natural Science Foundation of China, general program, “Effect of high-status group’s status conflict on organizational effectiveness: Perspective of group differentiation and integration” (Grant No. 71272123), 2013-2016. RMB 600,000.

[4]National Natural Science Foundation of China, general program, “Study on the influence of Status Competition on Employee Creative Outcomes” (Grant No. 70972017), 2010-2012. RMB 250,000.

[5]Humanities and Social Science Fund from China Ministry of Education, “Research on Formation Mechanism and Governance Countermeasure of Career Stagnation on Knowledge Workers” (Grant No. 08JC630029), 2009-2011. RMB 44,000.

[6]Scientific and Technology Agency Research Grant from Hubei Province of China, “Measurement and Fuzzy Evaluation on Knowledge Value in High-tech Enterprises” (Grant No. 2007AA401C26), 2007-2008. RMB 20,000.

Representative Research Papers

Journal papers (in English)

[1]Chen, Y., Kim, Y.-K., Liu, Z., Wang, G., & Zhao, G. Can HPWS and Unions Work Together to Reduce Employee Turnover Intention in Foreign MNCs in China? Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations. 2018, 24(1):213-242.

[2]Kim, T.-Y., & Liu, Z*. Taking Charge and Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Competence, International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2017, 28(5):775-793.

[3]Liu, Z., Ge, L., & Peng, W. How organizational tenure affects innovative behavior? The role of culture difference and status determinants. Nankai Business Review International. 2016, 7(1):99-126.

[4]Dong, M. C., Liu, Z*., Yu, Y & Zheng, J.-H. Opportunism in Distribution Networks: The Role of Network Embeddedness and Dependence. Production and Operations Management. 2015, 24(10):1657-1670.

[5]Kim, T.-Y., Liu, Z*., & Diefendorff, J. Leader-Member Exchange and Job performance: The Effects of Taking Charge and Organizational Tenure. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2015, 36(2):216-231.

[6]Liu, Z., Yang, Z., Zeng, F., & Waller, D. The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2015, 128(2):411-432.

[7]Tang, G., Cai, Z., Liu, Z*., Zhu, H., Yang, X., & Li, J. The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Employees’ Value Congruence and Turnover. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 2015, 56(4):397-410.

[8]Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Zhong, L., Son, J., Zhang, X., & Liu, Z. Social exchange spillover in leader-member relations: A multilevel model. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2015, 36(5):673-697.

[9]Liu, Z., Zhu, H., Li, J., Cai, Z., & Wang, L. Chinese Firms’ Sustainable Development ---the Role of Future Orientation, Environmental Commitment and Employee Training. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 2014, 31(1):195-213.

Conference papers (in English)

[1]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “Based on the Theory of Territoriality: How Employees Respond to Status Distance”.

[2]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “The Incentive and Sorting Effects of Pay-for-Performance and Punishment-for-Underperformance”.

[3]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA (August 10-14, 2018). “Predictors of Employees’ Attitudes toward Strike in Multinational Corporations in China: A Multilevel Relational Model”.

[4]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (August 4-8, 2017). “Workplace Conflict, Status-conferral Criteria and Job Performance: Status Competition Perspective”.

[5]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, USA (August 5-9, 2016). "Horizontal Meets Vertical Social Exchange: The Interplay of Peer Mentoring network and Leader-member Exchange on Team Potency and Team Effectiveness".

[6]Academy of Management Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (August 7-11, 2015), “Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: A Multilevel Investigation”.


[1]Liu, Z. 2016. “Collins, J. Leadership Lessons from West Point, Wily”, in Publishing House of Electronic Industry of China. (Translation from English to Chinese). Translation Works.

[2]Liu, Z. 2008. Measurement and Governance Countermeasure to Knowledge Workers’ Career Stagnation. Wuhan: Hubei People’s Press of China. (in Chinese). Monograph.


Professional affiliations

[1]The Secretary-General of Hubei Province Human Resource Association of China.

[2]Member of AOM (Academy of Management)

[3]Member of IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research)

Ad-hoc reviewer

[1]Journal of International Business Studies

[2]Journal of Organizational Behavior

[3]International Journal of Human Resource Management

[4]Journal of Business Ethics

[5]Journal of Management and Strategy

Teaching (2014-2018)


Management, 16

Compensation Management, 200

Organizational Behavior and Management, 24


Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management, 96

Human Resource Management, 192

Compensation Management, 352