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Production Operation and Logistics Management

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  • Ding Qing

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    Department of Production Operations and Logistics Management
  • Research Interests

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Ph.D. (Operation Management), University of Washington, St. Louis, Supervisor: Panos Kouvelis, 2004

Ph.D. (Operations research), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Supervisor: Zheng Dazhao, 1998

M.E. (Computer and System Engineering), Nankai University, Supervisor: Tu Feng Sheng, 1989

B.E. (Computer and System Engineering), Nankai University, Supervisor: Tu Feng Sheng, 1986

Work experience

Professor, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013-July-till now

Assistant Professor, School of Business, Singapore University of Management, 2004-July-2013-June

Lecturer, Department of Computer and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Water Conservancy and Electricity (join Wuhan University in 1999), 1989-July-1995-June

Undertake projects

National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71771100, Inventory and Order Management Strategies under Multi-type Customer Demand, 2018-2021, Project Leader

Published Academic Papers

【1】"Integrated Commodity Inventory Management and Financial Hedging: A Dynamic Mean-Variance Analysis", by Panos KOUVELIS, Zhan PANG and Qing DING, 2018, 27, 6, Production and Operations Management Society, 1052-1073.

【2】"Inventory Rationing for Multiple Class Demand under Continuous-Review", by Qing DING, Panos KOUVELIS, and Joseph MILNER, 2016, 25, 8, Production and Operations Management Society, 1344-1362.

【3】"A hierarchical pricing decision process on a dual-channel problem with one manufacturer and one retailer", by Qing DING, Ciwei DONG, and Zhicong PAN, 2016, 175, International Journal of Production Economics, 197-212.

【4】"Managing Storable Commodity Risks: Role of Inventories and Financial Hedges", by Panos KOUVELIS, Rong LI, and Qing DING, 2013, 15, 3, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 507-521.

【5】"Preemptive Scheduling Policy for Multiple Loan Repayment", by C. T. NG, Qing DING, T. C. E. CHENG, and Franklin LAM, 2012, 192, Annals of Operations Research, 141-150.

【6】"On the Integration of Production and Financial Hedging Decisions in Global Markets", by Qing DING, Lingxiu DONG, and Panos KOUVELIS, 2007, 55, 3, Operations Research, 470-489.

【7】"Dynamic Pricing for Multiple Class Deterministic Demand Fulfillment", by Qing DING, Panos KOUVELIS, and Joseph MILNER, 2007, 39, 11, IIE Transactions, 997-1013.

【8】"Dynamic Pricing through Discounts for Optimizing Multiple Class Demand Fulfillment", by Qing DING, Panos KOUVELIS, and Joseph MILNER, 2006, 54, 1, Operations Research, 169-183.

【9】"A Concise Survey of Scheduling with Time-Dependent Processing Times", by T. C. E. CHENG, Qing DING, and B. M. T. LIN, 2004, 152, 1, European Journal of Operational Research, 1-13.

【10】"Scheduling Jobs with Linearly Decreasing Processing Times", by TCE CHENG, Qing DING, M.Y KOVALYOV, A. BACHMAN, and A. JANIAK, 2003, 50, 6, Naval Research Logistics, 531-554.

【11】"Scheduling Start Time Dependent Tasks with Deadlines and Identical Initial Processing Times on a Single Machine", by TCE CHENG and Qing DING, 2003, 30, 1, Computers and Operations Research, 51-62.

【12】"Single Machine Scheduling with Step-Deteriorating Processing Times", by T. C. E. CHENG and Qing DING, 2001, 134, 3, European Journal of Operational Research, 623-630.

【13】"Single Machine Scheduling with Deadlines and Increasing Rates of Processing Times", by T. C. E. CHENG and Qing DING, 2000, 36, 9/10, ActaInformatica, 673-692.

【14】"The Time Dependent Machine Makespan Problem Is Strongly NP-Complete", by T. C. E. CHENG and Qing DING, 1999, 26, 8, Computers and Operations Research, 749-754.

【15】"The Complexity of Scheduling Starting Time Dependent Tasks with Release Times", by T. C. E. CHENG and Qing DING, 1998, 65, 2, Information Processing Letters, 75-79.

【16】"The Complexity of Single Machine Scheduling with Two Distinct Deadlines and Identical Decreasing Rates of Processing Times", by T. C. E. CHENG and Qing DING, 1998, 35, 12, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 95-100.

Published Scientific Research Works (Chapters)

【1】"Efficient Response Systems with RFID Technology: Cases in China", by Hongwei WANG, Shuang CHEN, Yong XIE, and Qing DING, Innovative Quick Response Programs in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cheng, T. C. Edwin; Choi, Tsan-Ming (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-04312-3, Springer's Handbook Series, 2010

【2】"Managing Storable Commodity Risks: Role of Inventories and Financial Hedges", by Rong LI, Panos KOUVELIS, and Qing DING, Handbook of Integrated Risk Management In Global Supply Chains, Panos Kouvelis … [et al.] (Eds.), ISBN 978-0-470-53512-7, 2012

Teaching (2014-2018)


Production and Operations Management, 80 Teaching Hours

Frontier Research on Logistics Management, 20 Teaching Hours

Operations Management, 120 Teaching Hours


Production and Operations Management, 400 Teaching Hours

Foundations of Stochastic Inventory Management (Random Process), 80 Teaching Hours

Operations and Supply Chain Management, 16 Teaching Hours