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Production Operation and Logistics Management

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  • Guan Xu

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Production Operations and Logistics Management
  • Research Interests

    Operation and Marketing interface, Game Theory, Supply Chain Management, Information Asymmetry, Disclosure and Acquisition
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science School of Management), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2013

B.E. (Majored in Logistic School of Management), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2007


Professor, (in School of Management) Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 2019-Present

Associate professor, Wuhan University, 2016-2018

Assistant professor, Wuhan University, 2013-2015

Research Interests

Operation and Marketing interface, Game Theory, Supply Chain Management, Information Asymmetry, Disclosure and Acquisition

Teaching Experiences

Supply chain Management, 2015-Present

Game theory, 2014-2015


【1】Baoshan Liu, Xu Guan, Haijun Huang, Shihua Ma. Channel configuration and pay-on-delivery service with the endogenous delivery lead time. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2019, 84: 175-188.

【2】Xu Guan, Mantrala, Murali, Yiwen Bian. Strategic Information Management in Distribution Channel. Journal of Retailing. Forthcoming

【3】Guo Li, Hong Zheng, Suresh P. Sethi, Xu Guan. Inducing Downstream Information Sharing via Manufacturer Information Acquisition and Retailer Subsidy. Decision Sciences. Forthcoming

【4】Wang Xi, Xu Guan and Zelong Yi. Roles of a Preselling Strategy under Asymmetric Information. Marketing Letter. Forthcoming

【5】Guo, L., Lin, L., Sethi, S. P., Xu, Guan. Return strategy and pricing in a dual-channel supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, forthcoming

【6】Wanjiang Deng, Xu Guan, Shihua Ma, Shan Liu. Selection of Crowd-sourcing Formats: Simultaneous Contest versus Sequential Contest. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Forthcoming

【7】Lei Xiao, Minghui Xu, Zhiyuan Chen, Xu Guan. Optimal Pricing for Advance Selling with Uncertain Product Quality and Consumer Fitness. Journal of Operational Research Society, forthcoming

【8】Song Huang, Xu Guan, Ying-Ju Chen. Retailer information sharing with supplier encroachment, Production and Operation Management, 2018, 27(6): 1133-1147.

【9】Song Huang, Xu Guan, Binqing Xiao. Incentive Provision for Demand Information Acquisition in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain. Transportation Research Part E, 2018, 116: 42-58.

【10】Liu Baoshan, Ma Shihua, Xu Guan and Lei Xiao. Timing of sales commitment in a supply chain with manufacturer-quality and retailer-effort induced demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 195: 249-258.

【11】Xu Guan, Ying-Ju Chen. Interplay between acquisition and disclosure. Production and Operation Management, 2017, 26(3), 389-408.

【12】Yin, Zhe, Xu Guan, and Lei Xiao. Managing global sourcing with disruption risks in an assemble-to-order system. Transportation Research Part E, 2017, 108: 1-17.

【13】Guo Li, Lin Li, Ying Zhou, Xu Guan, Capacity restoration in a decentralized assembly system with supply disruption risks, International Transactions in Operational Research, 2017, 24(4): 763-782.

【14】Guo Li, Meng-qi Liu, Xu Guan. The impact of payment contracts diversity in a decentralized assembly system. Annals of operational research, 2017, 257(1-2), 613-639

【15】Xu Guan, Ying-ju Chen. Timing of information acquisition in a competitive environment. Naval Research Logistics, 2016, 63(1), 3-22.

【16】Xu Guan, Guo Li, S.P. Sethi. The implication of vendor inventory liability period in a decentralised assembly system. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(17): 5029-5044

【17】Guo Li, Lijun Zhang, Xu Guan. The impact of decision sequence on reliability enhancement with supply disruption risks. Transportation Research Part E, 2016, 90: 25-38.

【18】Xu Guan, Guo Li, Zhe Yin. The implication of time-based payment contract in the decentralized assembly system, Annals of Operational Research, 2016, 240(2): 641-659.

【19】Guo Li, Xu Guan. The impact of decision timing on the suppliers’ interactions: simultaneous moves vs sequential moves. Journal of Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(2): 248-258.

【20】Xu Guan, Ying-ju Chen. Hierarchical information disclosure in a supply chain. Decision Support System, 2015, 76: 63-75.

【21】Xu Guan, Shi-hua Ma, Zhe Yin. The impact of hybrid push-pull contract in a decentralized assembly system, Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2015, 50: 70-81.

【22】Lv Fei, Shihua Ma, Xu Guan. The implication of capacity reservation contracts in assembly system with asymmetric demand information. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(18): 5564-5591.

【23】Shi-hua MA, Zhe Yin, Xu Guan. The role of spot market in a decentralized supply chain under random yield, International Journal of Production Research, 2013.51(21).

Research Grant

[1] 2019-2022, National Natural Science Foundation of China, (71871167), supply chain coopetition strategies with information transmission and channel selection, Pi.

[2] 2015-2017, National Natural Science Foundation of China (71402126), interplay between information acquisition and quality disclosure, Pi.