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Production Operation and Logistics Management

English - Faculty & Research - Faculty - Production Operation and Logistics Management - Content

  • Wang Lin

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Production Operations and Logistics Management
  • Research Interests

    Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Smart Logistics, Data Analysis and Management Decision, Artificial intelligence and Applications
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003.

M.E. (Majored in Technology Economics and Management), Wuhan University of Technology, 2001.

B.E. (Majored in Automation), Wuhan University of Technology, 1996.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge, UK, Aug. 2013-Sep. 2013.

Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2010-Sep. 2011.

Courses Taught

Purchasing and Supply Management, Logistics Information Technology and Applications, Matlab and Logistics Management Experiments.

Industrial Experiences

Assistant Engineer, XiangFan locomotive Co. Ltd., 1996 -1998

Consulting Activities: SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Company, DaYa Bay Nuclear Power Operations and Management Co., Ltd, China Yangtze Power Co. Ltd., etc.

Representative Research Papers

More than 40 papers indexed by SCI/SSCI were published as first/corresponding author (including 2 ESI Hot papers, 15 ESI highly cited papers). Details can be found at:



【1】Wang Lin, He Jing, et al. A novel differential evolution algorithm for joint replenishment problem under interdependence and its application. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 135(1):190–198 (SSCI /SCI)

【2】Wang Lin, Dun Cai-xia, Bi Wen-jie, et al. An effective and efficient differential evolution algorithm for the integrated stochastic joint replenishment and delivery model. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 36:104–114 (SCI, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

【3】Liu Shan, *Wang Lin(Corr. Author), Huang Wei(Wayne). Effects of process and outcome controls on business process outsourcing performance: Moderating roles of vendor and client capability risks. European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 260(3):1115–1128 (SSCI/SCI, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

【4】Wang Lin, Liu Rui, Liu Shan. Variable neighborhood search incorporating a new bounding procedure for joint replenishment and delivery problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2018, 69(2): 201 –209 (SSCI)

【5】Li Shaowen, Chen Tao, *Wang Lin (Corr. Author), Ming Chenghan. Effective tourist volume forecasting supported by PCA and improved BPNN using Baidu index. Tourism Management, 2018, 68: 116–126. (SSCI, 2018 IF: 6.012, 5-Year IF: 7.581, ESI Hot Paper)

【6】Wang Lin, Hu Huanling, et al. Effective electricity energy consumption forecasting using echo state network improved by differential evolution algorithm. Energy, 2018, 153: 801–815. (SSCI/SCI, 2018 IF: 5.537)

【7】Peng Lu, Liu Shan, Liu Rui, *Wang Lin(Corr. Author). Effective Long short-term memory with differential evolution algorithm for electricity price prediction. Energy, 2018, 162: 1301–1314(SSCI/SCI, 2018 IF: 5.537, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

【8】Wang Lin, Peng Lu, Wang Sirui, *Liu Shan. Advanced backtracking search optimization algorithm for a new joint replenishment problem under trade credits with grouping constraint. Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 86C, Article Number:105953 (SSCI/SCI, 2019 IF: 5.472)

【9】Wu Binrong, Wang Lin, Wang Sirui, et al. Frecasting the U.S. oil markets based on social media information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Energy, 2021, 26C, Article Number: 120403. (SSCI/SCI, 2019 IF: 6.082)