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Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights

English - Faculty & Research - Faculty - Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights - Content

  • Ye Zhuxin

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship & Intellectual Property
  • Research Interests

    Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Strategy, Risk Investment
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Business Administration), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2017

M.E. (Technical Economics and Management), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013

B.E. (Math and Economics), Central China Normal University, 2012

Overseas Visiting and Training

2016-Sept.-2017-July, University of Iowa Tippie College of Business

Research Interests

Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Strategy, Risk Investment

Research Projects

【1】01/2017-12/2020, Research on New Ventures’ Improvisation under Transient Competition: Based on Effectuation Perspective (71672064), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Co-PI

【2】01/2014-12/2017, Research on the Impact of the Cognitive System and Knowledge Integration of Founding Teams on the Competitive Ability of New Ventures in Surprising Events (71372136), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Co-PI

【3】01/2013-12/2014, Research on Key Issues of Innovation-driven Development (2013GXS4D132), National Soft Science Research Program, Co-PI

Representative Research Papers

【1】Zhuxin Ye, Yiyuan Mai. Explorative Improvisation and Exploitative Improvisation: A Study on Entrepreneurial Improvisation from the Ambidexterity Perspective. Nankai Business Review, 2018, (4): 15-25.

【2】Zhuxin Ye, Yiyuan Mai, Leying Wang. Entrepreneurial Improvisation: Past Research and Future Prospects. Foreign Economics & Management, 2018, (4): 16-29+55.

【3】Zhuxin Ye, Yiyuan Mai. Cognitive Structure and Innovative Attention of Founding Team: A Multi-case Study Based on TMS Perspective. Management Review, 2016, 28(4): 225-240.

【4】Yiyuan Mai, Zhuxin Ye (Correspongding Author), Shuhua Chen. From Wittiness to the Formation of Organizational Practices--A Study on Entrepreneurial Improvisation Strategy in a Transitional Economy. Management World, 2015 (8): 147-165.

【5】Yiyuan Mai, Yang Yang, Zhuxin Ye. Fostering Founding Team Adaptive Capability in Uncertain Environment: Prior Experience and Powerlessness. Chinese Journal of Management, 2015, 12(7): 1028-1037.

Conference Papers

【1】Entrepreneurial Improvisation: How Founding Teams Respond to Uncertainty. 2017 IFERA Global Conference – Taiwan, Taiwan, 2017, November

【2】Sponsoring Teammates’ Social Resources and Newcomer Socialization in Teams, The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Atlanta, 2017, August

【3】Explorative and Exploitative Improvisation: How Founding Teams Response to Uncertainty, 2016 Special Conference of Strategic Management Society (SMS), Hong Kong, 2016, December

【4】Explorative and Exploitative Improvisation: How Founding Teams Response to Uncertainty, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, 2016, August

【5】Top Management Team Faultline of Venture Capitalist and Investment Performance, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, 2016, August

【6】Industry association membership, entrepreneur characteristics, and product innovation, International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) 7th Biennial Conference, Hangzhou, 2016, June

Grants and Awards

The 11th Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award in Hubei Province. (Second Author)

Case Studies

【1】Zhuxin Ye, Yiyuan Mai, Yuni Li. Building Dreams for People with Disabilities: Bricolage in Social Entrepreneurship. National Hundreds of Excellent Management Cases, 2018

【2】Yiyuan Mai, Zhuxin Ye. Aiher Cafe: Start-up Enterprise Social Network Marketing. National Hundreds of Excellent Management Cases, 2012

Teaching (2014-2018)


Innovative Thinking and Methods, 16 Teaching Hours

Entrepreneurship, 56 Teaching Hours

Introduction and Practice of College Students' Entrepreneurship, 64 Teaching Hours


Entrepreneurship, 48 Teaching Hours

Engineering Economic Evaluation and Project, 24 Teaching Hours

Innovation Management, 24 Teaching Hours