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  • Hou Qingsong

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Accounting
  • Research Interests

    Geography, Institutions and Capital Markets
  • Telephone





Ph.D. (Majored in Business Administration), HUST, 2015

M.E. (Majored in Accounting), Anhui University of Finance and Economics, 2011

B.E. (Majored in Economics), Anhui University of Finance and Economics, 2007

Research Interests

Geography, Institutions and Capital Markets

Research Projects

Project supported by NSFC: 71602062, Geography, Time distance and firm innovation -- theory and empirical

Representative Research Papers

【1】Hou, Qingsong, May Hu, and Yuan Yuan. "Corporate innovation and political connections in Chinese listed firms." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 46 (2017): 158-176.

【2】Hou Qingsong, Yuan Jianguo, Zhang Peng. Does Corporate Tax Avoidance Behavior Affect Bank Debt Contract? An Empirical Research Using China's Listed Company Data. Nankai Business Review, 2016, 19(04):122-134.

【3】Yuan jianguo, Hou qingsong, Cheng chen. The enterprise political resources Curse -- based on political connection and enterprise technological innovation [J]. Management world, 2015(01):139-155.

Grants and Awards

Qingsong Hou, Geographical Location, Time distance and Firm innovation. 2015 China empirical accounting Excellent Paper Award

Teaching (2014-2018)


Cost Accounting, 48 Teaching Hours

Performance Management, 144 Teaching Hours
