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  • Li Antai

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Finance
  • Research Interests

    Empirical Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Capital Market
  • Telephone





Ph.D. Huazhong University of Science &Technology, 2018

B.S. Huazhong University of Science &Technology, 2012

Oversea Experiences

University of Pennsylvania and Temple University, Philadelphia, US, 2015-Aug.- 2016-Feb.

Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada, 2015-Jan.-2015-Apr.

Cambridge Academic Development Seminar, Cambridge, UK, 2014-Feb.

CPA Canada 2017-Jan.

Industrial Experiences

Worked in Youth League at National Volunteer Program in Guizhou Province (2012-2013), and become a member of CPA Canada in 2017

Research Interests

Empirical Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Capital Market

Selected Publication

[1] Liu Peipei, Xia Xinping and Li Antai (2018). Tweeting the financial market: Media effect in the era of Big Data. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 51: 267-290. (SSCI)

[2] Li Antai and Xia Xinping (2018). Are Controlling Shareholders Influencing the Relationship between CSR and Earning Quality? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 54(5): 1047-1062. (SSCI)

Working Papers

[1] Disclosure for Whom? Government Involvement, CSR Disclosure and Firm Value, with Shen Xu, Xinping Xia and Xia Chen, 2019.

[2] Innovation in Business Group: Evidence from China, with Huan Dou and Yonggen Luo, 2018.

[3] CEO Early Life Experiences and Cash Holding: Evidence from China’s Great Famine, with Hu Jun and Yonggen Luo, 2018.

Award and Grant

Excellent Student Leaders in HUST(twice)

Excellent Graduate of HUST

Excellent Graduate Essay of Hubei Province in 2012 (Awarded by Education Ministry of Hubei Province)

Excellent Volunteers in 11th Asian- Pacific Student Association

2017 AFA Travel Grant

Excellent Scholarship in Cambridge Academic Development Seminar

TIC Scholarship awarded by CGA China and China Children Foundation(twice)

Renmin Scholarship of HUST(twice)

Bosch Scholarship