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  • Zhang Pengcheng

    Associate Professor
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Business Administration
  • Research Interests

    Multilevel perspective of creativity and innovation, leadership, knowledge management
  • Telephone




PhD: Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2005)

Master: Zhongnan University of economics & Law (2002)

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar of Rice University (USA), Oct., 2010 – Oct., 2011.

Research Interests

Multilevel perspective of creativity and innovation, leadership, knowledge management

Research Projects

[1]Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 71572066),2016-2019. A multilevel investigation of team innovation from the organizational politics perspective

[2]Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 71172090),2012-2015. The multilevel impacts of the boundary activities on team creativity: in the view of distributed leadership

[3]Natural Science Foundation of China. (No. 70601012),2007-2009. The mechanism of Team members knowledge integration through lens of social networks

[4]Humanity and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education. No. 10YJC630386),2011-2013. Team empowerment and its impact on employee unethical behavior and determinants of blow-whistle willing.

Representative Research Papers

[1]Li M, Zhang P. Xia Y, Liu W, Shaping the shared mental model: How leader humility helps teams to learn. Journal of Management & Organization (in press).

[2]Chen, G., Smith, T. A., Kirkman, B. L., Zhang, P., Lemoine, G. J., & Farh, J. Multiple team membership and empowerment spillover effects: Can empowerment processes cross team boundaries? Journal of Applied Psychology. 2019, 104(3): 321-340

[3]Zhang, P., Li, S., Liu, W., Han, Y., Muhammad, N. Exploring the role of moral disengagement in the link between perceived narcissistic supervision and employees’ organizational deviance: A moderated mediation model. Asian Journal of Social Psychology,2018, 21(4):223–236

[4]Liu,W, Zhang, P*., Liao, J., Hao, P, Mao, J..Abusive supervision and employee creativity: The mediating role of psychological safety and organizational identification. Management Decision, 2016, 54(1): 130- 147

[5]Li M, Liu W, Han Y, Zhang P. Linking empowering leadership and change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: The role of thriving at work and autonomy orientation,Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2016, 13, 29(5):732-750.

[6]Li, M. & Zhang, P*. Stimulating learning by empowering leadership: Can we achieve cross level creativity simultaneously? Leadership & Organizational Development Journal. 2016, 37,8: 1168-1186.

[7]Yang, Z, Zhou, X, Zhang, P. Centralization and innovation performance in an emerging economy: testing the moderating effects, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2015,32(2):415-442

[8]Yang, Z, Zhou, X, Zhang, P. Discipline versus passion: Collectivism, centralization, and Ambidextrous innovation, Asia Pacific Journal of Managemen,2015, 32:745-769

[9]Wei, W., Li, Y., Zhang, P*. Corporate political performance: approaches and theories. Chinese Management Studies, 2014, 8(3): 418–437

[10]Liu, S, Schuler, R. Zhang, P*. External Learning Activities and Employee Creativity in Chinese R&D Teams. Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 2013, 20(3): 429-448


Knowledge transfer mechanism based on organizational intelligence and its effectiveness. Wuhan: Hubei People’s Press, 2007

Teaching (2014-2018)


Management, 16 Teaching Hours

Labor Relation and Labor Law, 200 Teaching Hours

Organizational Behavior and Management, 165 Teaching Hours


Talent Management, 64 Teaching Hours

Human Resource Management, 416 Teaching Hours

Organizational Behavior, 384 Teaching Hours