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  • Zou Xuxia

    Associate Professor
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Production Operations and Logistics Management
  • Research Interests

    Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management
  • Telephone




Ph.D., School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 2005

M.E. School of Control Science and Engineering, HUST, 2001

B.E. School of Control Science, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (Hankou Branch), 2000

Industrial Experiences

Manufacturing Industry, Logistics Service Industry, Electric Power Industry

Research Interests

Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management

Consulting Projects

【1】(Principal: Wuhan Smart Grid Electric Power Information Technology Development Co., Ltd), project #H20180086, A Research on the Key Theories and Techniques of Distribution Network Commodities Purchasing, 2018/06-2018/11, project leader

【2】(Principal: Electric Power Research Institute in State Grid Hunan Electric Power Limited Company),project #20131685,An Economic Analysis on Anti-Icing Means for UHV Transmission Line of Hunan Electric Power Corporation,2013/11-2014/04, project leader

【3】(Principal: China Tobacco Henan Industrial Co., Ltd),project #20131476, A Research on Productive Force Allocation and Supply Chain Optimization for China Tobacco Henan Industrial Corporation, 2013/04-2016/08, team member

【4】(Principal: Xinyang Industrial Zone),project #20111532,The Logistics Development Planning for Xinyang Industrial Zone), 2011/05-2013/01, team member

【5】(Principal: Hubei United Transportation Investment Development Co., Ltd), project #20110827,The Industry Development Planning and Investment Analysis for Logistics Park of Huashan Port), 2011/03-2012/01, team member

【6】(Principal: China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd), A Research on the Materials Management mode for China Yangtze Power Corporation), 2010/04-2010/11, team member

Research Projects

【1】Independent Innovation Research Fund of HUST, #2013QN106,A Research on the Resource Allocation and Operational Strategy for Startup Companies under Financing, 2013/01-2014/12, project leader

【2】National Nature Science Foundation of China, #71072034, A Research on the Impact of Logistics Service Mode on Supply Chain Performance, 2011/01-2013/12, team member

【3】National Nature Science Foundation of China,#7090103, A Research on the Multi-Period Contract for Decentralized Assembly System under Uncertain Customer Demand, 2010/01-2012/12, project leader

Representative Research Papers

【1】Zou, X., Liu, L., Li, K., Li, L., A coordinated algorithm for integrated production scheduling and vehicle routing problem, International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(15): 5005-5024.

【2】Chen, P., Xu, H., Zou, X*, The effects and incentive of vertical mergers: an analysis from the view of OM, European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 263: 158-172.

【3】Xu, D., Li, K., Zou, X.*, Liu, L., An unpaired pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with multi-visit, Transportation Research Part E, 2017, 103: 218-247.

【4】Zou, X., Pokharel, S., Piplani, R., A two-period supply contract model for a decentralized assembly system, European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, 187(1): 257-274.

【5】Zou, X., Pokharel, S., Piplani, R., Channel coordination in an assembly system facing uncertain demand with synchronized processing time and delivery quantity, International Journal of Production Research, 2004, 42(22): 4673-4689

Grants and Awards

【1】Second Prize of Teaching Competition of HUST (Year 2012-2013, Year 2014-2015).

【2】Third Prize of Shunfeng Cup – the 3rd National Contest on Logistics Design by University Student (2011), team advisor.

【3】Second Prize of Teaching Quality (Year 2009-2010)



Supply Chain Management, 96 Teaching Hours

International Logistics, 160 Teaching Hours

Business English Listening & Speaking, 64 Teaching Hours


Supply Chain Management, 48 Teaching Hours

Business English, 440 Teaching Hours