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Issue 546 of Yuyuan Forum: Joint Negotiation via B2B Procurement Platform

  • 发布日期:2019-09-13
  • 点击数:


(Contribution/photo by Huang Lanqian, reporter of News and Publicity Center of the School of Management) On September 13, the Issue 95 of Yuyuan Management Forum in 2019 was held successfully in the Classroom 219 of the School of Management. Professor Liu Liming of the Hong Kong Lingnan University communicated with participants on the theme of “Joint Negotiation via B2B Procurement Platform”. Professor Xu He of the Department of Production Operation and Logistics Management chaired the forum.

First of all, Xu He welcomed Liu Liming and introduced his achievements in Supply Chain Management, Inventory Theory, Empirical Research on Accounting and Financial Interface and Queuing System. Liu Liming first introduced the background and main methods of the current business procurement mode, focusing on the rise of B2B mode and its impact on economic development, the most important of which were the reduction of the cost of purchasing and inventory, the shortening of the turnaround time and the increase of market opportunities. Then he introduced some existing problems of B2B mode, such as the single profit and sales mode, the extra-budgetary cost of offline transactions, the concerns about security and integrity for online transactions. Finally, Liu Liming talked about the latest progress of joint negotiation on B2B. Through the demonstration and evaluation of data (or should we say the mode), it was found out to be a high-efficient and fast fashion to conduct joint negotiation on B2B purchasing platform.

During the discussion, Mr. Liu and the participants discussed about the convenience of the B2B procurement platform. In addition, he mentioned that the current inventory management needs to develop and upgrade itself in time, integrating emerging network technology into the discipline to create more vitality for economic development.

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